World Apéro

Points of View

16. Oktober 2020

Matthew Ngui, Bildender Künstler, Singapur

Matthew Ngui ist ein bildender Künstler und Kurator, der in Singapur und Australien lebt. Seine Arbeit umfasst Installationen, Video oder Performance.

Zum Projekt

I’m proposing to talk about the anamorphic chair “sculpture”, which has been a repeated motif in my installations. It has been central to my practice for a good while and has spun out to other projects/installations. In terms of diversity, the core idea for the «chair» piece is that it seems to have meaning from one perspective but this falls apart when one moves from that specific point of view. I have used this as an analogy to the fact that dominant cultures often promulgate specific ways of seeing but shift from this common perspective, the force of its meaning collapses. Hence the need to interrogate the dominance of a singular point of view, to reveal other points of view often hidden as they are not so common or marginal.



Matthew Ngui is a visual artist living in Singapore and Australia, working in the areas of installation, video, performance and site-specific works. He has exhibited in Australia, Singapore and in cities such as Berlin, Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Graz, Hong Kong, London, Manila and Vienna. He participated in different Biennales and the Documenta X in 1997 and acted as director of the Singapore Biennale.

Installation of “Chair” at National Gallery Singapore, 2015 Part re-creation of work at DocumentaX, “’You can order and eat delicious poh-piah›, amongst other things”, Kassell, Germany, 1997.

Schlagworte: Chair, Points of View, Singapur

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